Timeline for processing the medicaid application

The nursing home required me to provide them a copy of the application and proof that I had mailed it within 30 days of admission (i.e., during the 30-day private pay period). My mother transferred to the nursing

home on April 22. I sent the Medicaid application on May 1, which was the day I saw the 30-day private check had gone through the bank. I trusted that the check will go through so I could incorporate the most recent bank proclamation that showed the measure of reserve funds under $2,000. I printed articulations from the on-line admittance to the ledger. The evidence of mailing was the receipt from the mail center with the following number. I likewise connected the data from USPS web based following, which showed when the bundle was delivered.

Medicaid handled the application on May 9 dependent on the date of the letter mentioning extra data. The Medicaid office sent the bundle by customary mail, and I got it on May 20. The letter provided me with a cutoff time of June 9 for giving the data to them, which was 30 days from the date they handled the application. Notwithstanding, I got this letter 11 days after the fact, so the letter gave me just three weeks to get the data. Monetary establishments couldn’t deal with the administrative work and send it back to me in this time frame.

The short cutoff time caused me a huge measure of pressure. No one let me know that the initial 30-day cutoff time is anything but a hard cutoff time, and it is one reason I am composing this book. I need to explain the cycle for guardians so you can keep away from the pressure and restless evenings I went through. As you will find in the later parts, later the underlying 30-day cutoff time and refusal, the Medicaid office gave me an additional 30 days to finish assembling the information.


The Medicaid office has its own sources of information about each applicant. The letter requested supplemental details about items that I did not include in the application package. The accounts that the Medicaid office was keen on were shut north of five years prior, and the application expressed that I expected to incorporate data returning five years. The case manager requested the explanations that covered the past schedule year from a common asset organization where my mom had an IRA account that was shut eight years prior. She additionally needed a definite history of the endorsements of store (recorded by CD record numbers) that included one CD that was liquidated six years prior. Different CDs were shut and moved to my mom’s financial records two years prior and were utilized to pay for the helped living office. The case manager needed to see the historical backdrop of the cash development, i.e., withdrawals from CDs, where the cash was moved to, and how the cash was used.

To confuse things, the case manager alluded to CDs by the name of a bank that does not exist anymore. My mom’s old bank was gained quite a while back by another bank. In any case, I needed to demonstrate that my mom had a record with just one bank, not two.

Besides getting some information about the records referenced over, the Medicaid case manager requested that I comment on each store and withdrawal more than $1,000 on the financial records articulations I previously gave. The case manager was additionally keen on seeing duplicates of all checks with a worth of more than $1,000. The data about stores might uncover stowed away kinds of revenue; checks may assist her with checking whether the beneficiary is moving cash to others rather than utilizing it for their own expenses.

Finally, the letter incorporated a solicitation for extra data identified with the nursing home. The solicitation contained various abbreviations and structure names which were not comfortable to me. The letter said: “Give consent to share, a PNA proclamation, and a private compensation explanation showing what has been paid to date and the date range covered. Give SC-1 structure and Nursing Facility screening warning.” I reached the business chief at the nursing home, and she let me know she would fax PSI, SC-1, Screening Notification from Elder Services, PNA, and Payment letter straightforwardly to the caseworker.

It took a little examination to get what this large number of contractions depend on. Connections to the referred to structures are accessible in the Appendix. Momentarily, the abbreviations are: PSI is consent to share structure. It is a HIPAA structure endorsed during admission to the nursing home.

SC-1 is a status change structure. This structure is a notice of confirmation structure endorsed during admission to the nursing home.

Screening Notification from Elder Services is the report produced later the clinical appraisal of the resident.

The PNA structure shows whether an inhabitant keeps an individual requirements account with the nursing office. A few occupants have their remittance kept into these records, so they approach insignificant money. The equilibrium of this record is added to the candidate’s different investment funds. Together, the balance of all savings must be below $2,000.

Tip: When speaking with Medicaid, consistently incorporate the principal page of the letter to which you are reacting. The principal page contains the name of the candidate, the one of a kind ID of the candidate, the quantity of the notification, and the name of the case manager doled out to the case.


T he information I needed to collect fell into two categories: the information I could quickly get myself online or find in my mother's records; and the paperwork that required a financial institution to do research for me. I found the history of the bank merger on the bank's website. The merger history proved that the CDs from two different banks were, in fact, the same thing as the account numbers were the same and only the bank name had changed. I could also print copies of all checks over $1,000, as they were all payments made to the assisted living facility in the last two years. I sent the first batch of information to Medicaid well within the June 9 deadline.

The data that necessary examination by monetary organizations would end up being truly challenging. I needed to manage two distinct monetary organizations. One of them didn’t perceive my general legal authority administrative work by any means; the subsequent one required an additional week to endorse it, which thusly pushed me seven days over the June 9 Medicaid deadline.

Tip: Financial establishments charge for investigating data about your record. This charge is postponed on the off chance that a requester presents a structure called “Monetary Information Request” from the Medicaid site (A connect to this structure is accessible in the Appendix). At the point when you present this structure, the bank is committed to give this data, for nothing, inside about fourteen days of the structure accommodation. Know that, for my situation, it took longer than about fourteen days as a result of the additional time needed to support my legal authority record. Two weeks is only a guideline.

As referenced before, I wanted data from a shared asset where my mom had an IRA. My name was not on that record as it was opened and shut while my mom didn’t require help to deal with her funds. I likewise required chronicled data for security stores from the bank where my mom had her CDs. My mother had added my name as a second individual on the financial records and CDs so I could cover bills on her behalf.


For the mutual fund, I found that my mother saved a statement from eight years ago, showing that the balance went to zero that year. The Medicaid caseworker requested the statements from last year showing the current surplus, not an assertion from eight years prior. So my objective was to get a letter from the shared asset expressing the record was shut eight years prior, and the equilibrium stayed zero from that point forward. I called the shared asset organization to discover what administrative work I ought to send them to get this affirmation. The common asset agent said they couldn’t give me any data regardless of whether I sent them my legal authority desk work alongside the solicitation. The delegate let me know that my mom would have to make me a restricted specialist for the record before they would address me.

I printed the restricted specialist structure, had my mom sign it and expedited the bundle to them. I additionally incorporated a duplicate of the legal authority archive, a letter from her PCP affirming she has dementia, and the last assertion from eight years. The following correspondence from the common asset organization was that this administrative work was not legitimate in light of the fact that they can’t make a restricted specialist for a shut account.

I inquired as to whether they could affirm that the record was shut eight years prior assuming my mom composed a letter mentioning this affirmation. They said“Alright,” and I had my mom sign this new solicitation and I expedited the second bundle to them. At the point when they got that bundle, they said they couldn’t respect this is on the grounds that alongside the duplicate of a legal authority, I incorporated a letter from my mom’s PCP that expressed she had dementia. I figured this letter would assist me with getting results rapidly. Sadly, it ended up having the contrary impact. They advised me to make her solicitation legitimate; I would require a letter from a specialist that expressed that my mom has dementia.

When I let them know that this would not be imaginable, they said that the following choice I had was to send them the first legal authority administrative work since they couldn’t say whether the duplicate I sent them had been altered from the first. I really wanted the first for different issues I needed to do in the interest of my mom. Additionally, I was worried about the possibility that that assuming the mailing station lost the bundle, it would leave me with no unique at all.

The common asset delegate ’s next idea was to go to my bank and solicitation they approve a duplicate of the legal authority desk work with an emblem signature ensure. I went to my bank where they let me know they don’t give emblem signature assurances to lawful desk work. They let me know they have no chance of knowing whether the first desk work I carried with me is, indeed, the first. They were self-reproachful yet firm that this isn’t their specialized topic and they couldn’t help me.

The trade with the shared asset organization exasperated me. I was not requesting any data that I didn’t as of now have. I was making an effort not to assume control over a record with cash. They would not help me on the grounds that the methodology was a higher priority than the expectation. They referred to it as “ensuring their customer.” I even offered them to send the data straightforwardly to the Medicaid office rather than to me, yet they actually said they couldn’t do it.

By June 6, I had only the email correspondences saying that they can ’t do anything for me. Since I have my cash contributed with a similar shared asset organization, I could speak with them by means of their solid mail. Email correspondence essentially gave me documentation of our discussions, which I would not have had on the off chance that I simply conversed with them on the telephone. I presented these messages alongside the eight-year-old proclamation with a no equilibrium to Medicaid. The line I featured was the line where the common asset delegate expressed that he was unable to give me restricted specialist control over a shut record. Since he alluded to a shut record, he affirmed that the record was shut. Luckily, Medicaid acknowledged this blend of data, and I could fulfill their solicitation for extra data about this account.

Tip: If conceivable, convey through email rather than the telephone since messages leave an electronic path that you could possibly use as an affirmation. Even better, have your folks gather the data pretty much all records, including the shut ones, while they still can.


 My mother's bank, at least, did not reject my power of attorney outright. The bank took an extra week validating my power of attorney paperwork. In the past, they had seen the original paperwork in

individual. I visited the bank office alongside my mom a few times before she moved to the helped living office. Maybe this was the explanation they, at any rate, in the end supported the desk work. The bank got the structure on May 22, yet on June 7, when I checked the situation with my solicitation, they said I would get the reaction in seven days. I informed the Medicaid case manager of the deferral due to the time it took to endorse the general legal authority desk work and mentioned a one-week augmentation. The bank administrative work showed up seven days after the fact. I sent the bundle utilizing for the time being mail, and the Medicaid office finished paperwork for it on June 17.


June 17 was past June 9 deadline. The extension I had requested was not granted, and I received a denial letter dated June 18. The letter stated that the application was denied because the Medicaid office had not received the extra data they mentioned. The disavowal letter recorded the record numbers for every CD. The CD history was the data they had gotten on June 17. In any case, the basic positive snippet of data in the disavowal letter was that this was not the last forswearing. The letter said that if I would supply the missing data inside 30 days from the day they created the disavowal letter (i.e., by July 17) the application would be naturally resubmitted with a new date.

I didn ’t have the foggiest idea what the right subsequent stage was. Would it be advisable for me to resubmit the CD data once more, or would it be advisable for me to sit back and watch assuming what I had sent would be sufficient? I additionally didn’t have the foggiest idea about the repercussions of the application date change. Since the one-month private compensation finished on May 22, who might be answerable for the June installment to the nursing home? I additionally got two hospital expenses via the post office and didn’t know some solution for them.

After a restless evening, I called the Medicaid office. True to form, I didn ’t get an individual; I got a replying mail. I left a message clarifying that I had sent the missing data and following showed that the letter had been conveyed. I got a get back to in around two hours. The case manager relegated to deal with my mom’s case let me know that she had gotten the letter and that that everything looked OK, however she wanted two extra snippets of data. She had sent another letter dated June 20 posting the subtleties she needed to see. At the hour of our phone discussion, I had not yet gotten this letter.

She educated me she needed more data regarding a check for a long time dollars kept in May 2018. This check was a discount of the security store from my mom’s old condo. I assume, to the analyst it might have resembled an undisclosed type of revenue. For reasons unknown, the bank records just showed the rear of the check, not the front, which showed who gave the check. Luckily, I had made a duplicate of the check prior to storing it.

The second snippet of data she needed clarified was a $2,000 store in 2016. She said that she was unable to observe the hotspot for this store, which ended up being an oversight on her part. This withdrawal was on the historical backdrop of one of the CDs I had given to the Medicaid office. As my mom turned over that CD, she pulled out $2,000. The CD withdrawal had a matching store into her bank account around the same time. I had the option to feature these two exchanges in my response.

I got some information about the repercussions of the date change of the application. She clarified that the adjustment of the application date was not huge, in light of the fact that Medicaid would take care of the bills as long as 90 days preceding the application endorsement. She affirmed she would refresh the piece of the application where I denoted that there were no extraordinary bills before application submission.

The case manager on the telephone was lovely, patient, and supportive. Given the distressing circumstance, she caused me to feel less worried. I said that I would give extra data to the two issues straightaway. She additionally said I could fax data instead of mailing it.

I tracked down the applicable information for the two inquiries and faxed the clarifications to the telephone number remembered for the letter. Sending a fax from my home machine doesn’t give me an express affirmation that the fax effectively arrived at the beneficiary. 

The fax log just shows that the fax was sent effectively. I chose to mail a similar data through over-night mail to have a mark affirmation that the bundle was conveyed before the July 17 deadline.


The financial and the clinical evaluation happens at the same time. While the Medicaid application was being processed, I received a phone call from the Elder Services nurse who performed my mother's evaluation under guidelines 130 CMR 456 (Long-term care administrations) and 130 CMR 408 (Adult child care). She informed me that my mom qualified for the administrations. A couple of days after the fact, I got an authority letter affirming her clinical qualification. This letter showed up 19 days before the primary Medicaid deadline.

Links to 130 CMR 456 and 130 CMR 408 guidelines are accessible in the Appendix. These guidelines list the clinical necessities that an individual should meet to fit the bill for Medicaid services.


T he first sign that the application was approved was not the approval letter from Medicaid but a letter from the Department of Health and Human Services stating that my mother qualified for a discount on Medicare Part D medication plan.

On July 8, I got the letter that my mom would be qualified for standard Medicaid benefits. The qualification started May 23, which was the primary after quite a while later the 30-day private payroll interval finished. The letter likewise expressed her new tolerant paid sum. When my mom was supported for Medicaid, Medicare prevented deducting Medicare installments from her Social Security. The patient paid sum was expanded by the sum she recently paid for Medicare. The letter expressed that Medicaid would repay the Medicare installments she had paid for May, June, and July, and these repayments ought to be diverted to the nursing home. The letter noticed that the discounts would contact her in a couple of months. In half a month, I got another letter expressing that the repayment would be saved into my mom’s record on August 8. However, the stores were made sooner than guaranteed: Medicare Plan D sum was kept on July 11 and Medicare repayment on July 25.


W hat is the Medicaid process after the initial approval? The nursing home business manager told me that, annually, typically on the anniversary date of approval, Medicaid will send eligibility review structures to the nursing home office and the person. From the individual, they require monetary records for the past two months and the current stubs for any annuity installments. From the office, they require clinical reevaluation.


Once the Medicaid application is approved, the person will qualify for a Lifeline program that provides discounted telephone services for lowincome individuals. The charges vary slightly from state to state.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts rates are:

  • Voice Lifeline Flat Rate Unlimited - $8.10
  • Voice Lifeline Measured Service - $1.16
  • Broadband (web) - $9.25 month to month discount

The genuine bills were around $3 each month later taxes.

Tip: The Lifeline program changed its application form in the last year or two. If you use an old form it will be rejected. I initially used the wrong application. I searched online and happened to find the old form first. When the application was rejected by the phone company, the reason was not clear. I had to call the phone company to figure out what I did incorrectly. They explained that Lifeline is a federal government program, and it requires that you use the latest form. The current form is FCC FORM 5629 (look in the upper left corner). A link to the Lifeline program information for all US states and a link to the application itself is available in the Appendix. However, make sure that you use the most recent form, which may be different.


Another program available to a person who is approved for Medicaid is a Senior Care Option medical plan. Senior care option programs are available to people 65 or older who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid. These plans give a part more inclusion than Medicare and Medicaid alone. For instance, these arrangements pay for diabetic shoes, complete false teeth, and glasses, though Medicaid and Medicare do not. There are no extra charges to join the arrangement, and there are no co-pays for specialist visits.

Furthermore, individuals from this program get $100 at regular intervals on a card that can be utilized at CVS, Walgreens, or Rite Aid. The cash on the card can be spent distinctly on pre-supported things like cold prescriptions, swathes, anti-infection salves, or dental consideration. The rules also include a long list of items that are not eligible, such as hearing aid batteries, deodorants, dry skin remedies, shampoos, foot insoles, and much more.

Massachusetts has a few Senior Care Option plans presented by various suppliers. Notwithstanding, a nursing home might be contracted to work with a specific program. My mom’s nursing home has an agreement with Senior Whole Health. So despite the fact that in principle, Massachusetts offered different choices, I didn’t have a decision of a supplier.

Know that taking a crack at a Senior Care Options plan will dis-select the individual from the past Medicare Prescription Plan D arrangement. The disenrollment letter contacted me before the letter expressing that my mom had Medicare Prescription Plan D inclusion with Senior Care Option as supplier and I was mistaken and worried for one day that she had no inclusion at all until I got a clarification.


The next several chapters of the book contain the questions to ask the staff of assisted living facilities and nursing homes during your initial evaluation visits. I have a separate set of chapters for assisted living offices and nursing homes. The administrations every office gives are distinctive enough that the significant inquiries for each are unique. I likewise incorporate the appropriate responses that I got as a perspective for correlation when you do your own meetings

I observed how every office dealt with an extensive rundown of inquiries as uncovering as the appropriate responses themselves. The offices I loved most calmly responded to everything my inquiries, didn’t push me towards a prompt choice and didn’t seem like salespeople.

When I visited helped living offices, I coordinated my inquiries utilizing a bookkeeping page. The inquiries were in the furthest left segment and every office had replies in a different section. Along these lines, it was not difficult to analyze the appropriate responses I got from various offices. If you would like a copy of the spreadsheet please refer to the Conclusion chapter.


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